Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bailout, Wisdom of Charlie Daniels

If you read this column very often you know that I rarely suggest you go to other websites to check the voracity of what I'm writing about, but the issue of this bailout having such a catastrophic effect on the future of America, I think we should know what brought it on and who let it happen.Nancy Pelosi has been busy pointing her finger at the Republicans and President Bush in particular for the financial crisis we are in, but let's take a closer look.In the link below are some clips of a Congressional hearing on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 2004. I think you might find it informative.What Caused our Financial CrisisAs we all know the House failed to pass the massive bailout that President Bush and oddly enough the Democrats are pushing for. But we also know that they'll bring it back up soon enough.Seven hundred billion dollars of American taxpayer's hard earned money to reward ineptitude, sloth and greed. That is absolutely ridiculous! Some of these rascals should be looking for someone to bail them out of jail instead of out of this horrible financial conundrum they and our government have gotten us into.The Wall Street bunch have been running ahead of the wind for years now, just barely escaping the clutches of bankruptcy and now the dominos are starting to fall, and of course the government is having it's normal reaction, throw our money at it.And folks this is just the beginning of the mess, Humpty Dumpty has fallen off the wall and even seven hundred billion dollars ($700,000,000,000) is not going to put him back together again.Have you wondered why the finger pointing between the Democrats and Republicans has not started in earnest? You'd think by now they'd be hanging the President in effigy by now, but the dirty little truth is that to varying degrees, members of both parties stood by and watched this - now I should say caused this to happen. You'll have to decide which party is the real culprit, and deserves the lion's share of the blame.Bill Clinton, along with the help of Barney Frank, Chris Dodd and others practically forced lending institutions to make loans to people who had no hope of paying them back, but as long as good ol' Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac kept on buying the bad paper let the good times roll, get rich and get out, all with the tacit blessings of a do-nothing House and Senate.This for you cherry pickers, President Bush has been warning about this mess for a long time, in 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007 and 17 times this year alone. SourceNow Barney Frank is one of the people in charge of putting a Band-Aid on the heart attack he helped to cause. Seems I heard about a case like that one time, something to do with foxes and hen houses, or inmates and asylums.Folks, I know you must get tired of me always harping on term limits but this latest disaster, and it is a disaster of monumental proportions, is a solid gold example of what happens when people stay in power too long.Barney Frank has been in the House of Representatives forever and Chris Dodd, his counterpart in the Senate, must have been born on the Senate floor.And if you don't think there's a political connection between Wall Street and Congress, you're sorely mistaken. Check out the campaign donation lists of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the major players on Wall Street. Many in Congress have fed at this slush fund of a slop bucket and I think the results speak for themselves.Folks, have you ever stopped to think how much the lobbyists in Washington are costing you and your family? It's the lobbyists who wine and dine the Congressmen and Senators you send to Washington to represent you and it's the lobbyists who represent the very people whose greed and ineptitude this seven hundred billion goes to benefit.And another thing, by buying up these worthless mortgages, that means the government is going into competition with private business, and mark my words there will be monolithic corruption and political partisanship when it comes time to divest itself of these worthless pieces of paper, and in the mean time the people of this country will be paying interest on seven hundred billion dollars or more.You could take seven hundred billion dollars and give every person on the planet one hundred dollars or everybody in the United States twenty-three hundred a piece.I am disgusted with the politicians in Washington who have led us to this mess.Bring them home. Bring them all home.What do you think?Pray for our troopsGod Bless AmericaCharlie DanielsSeptember 29, 2008

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