Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tim Michael Case writes that Barack Obama and the religion of socialism he embraces is getting the kid gloves treatment from the mainstream media

Sen. Barack Obama is portrayed as the savior of the world by the national media.
Journalistic bias has run amuck. For every one minute of press coverage Sen. John McCain receives on ABC, CBS and NBC, Obama gets 2½ minutes. They give Obama a pass on every contradiction. They won’t even investigate the facts behind Obama, his wife and their associates.
The Rev. Jeremiah Wright is one of the nation’s biggest bigots. He has preached hatred and bigotry from the pulpit for 20 years. Obama claims he wasn’t there when these divisive sermons were preached. I guess Obama can’t read. The literature in the church store reads like a black KKK. Obama must also be blind. He never saw the videos of Wright, which are practically given away at the store.
Obama saw fit to have his children baptized by this bigot. They attended Wright’s services for more than 20 years. When the flap started over Obama’s connection to Wright, he said, "I can no more disassociate myself from the Rev. Wright than I can from my own grandmother."
A few weeks later, after Wright spoke to the National Press Club, Obama almost trampled people to get to a podium to tell America he would no longer have anything to do with Wright. He dropped him faster than a burning coal.
William C. Ayers hosted Obama’s first campaign fundraiser. Ayers was the leader of the Weatherman terrorist group in the ’70s. He was on the FBI Most Wanted List for years. Once again, the national media gives Obama a pass. They haven’t reported this association, let alone investigate the facts. Obama and Ayers are still good friends.
The "real" Barack Hussein and Michelle Obama were on display recently when Obama told a group of fellow limousine liberals that small-town folks tend to "cling to guns and their religion" when someone comes along who is not like them.
Another media pass followed. Michelle Obama displayed her real self by stating, "For the first time I am finally proud to be an American," after Obama cinched the nomination. Michelle spent weeks double-talking her way out of that one. The press believed her every word.
Obama has changed his stand on so many issues, he makes Bill and Hillary Clinton look like novices. He’s doing this to win the centrist vote. After infuriating his fellow socialists, he claimed he had never changed his original position. He talked like a man who had no idea what he was talking about. When questioned about his numerous flip flops, he says nothing that makes sense. He is never asked to clarify his position.
Obama says he is the candidate of change. He claims a "new" brand of politics. Yet his stump speeches are the same old class warfare and class hatred lines that Democrats of yesteryear delivered. The socialists and their blind followers, who revel in hatred and class envy, continue to eat it up. He goes after the rich and evil corporations. Democrats have decried these same groups for 70 years. Absolutely nothing is "new." No "change" is offered. He is just another Democrat "retread."
If America did what Obama advocated in his 160 working days in the Senate, we would have an Iraq bathed in genocide. The terrorists would be in complete control of Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama would be coddling the terrorists with all his "policy of pacifism" glory.
Can we really afford another Jimmy Carter in this time of terrorism run rampant?
Can we really afford Democrats in control, taking control of our lives by telling us what we can and can’t do?
This "religion" of socialism will only grow under Obama. This religion seeks to stifle the free speech of those who oppose the socialists’ thinking. It will start with the passing of the so-called Fairness Doctrine. What will be next after Obama signs that into law?
This religion of socialism forces us to accept as normal the abnormal lifestyles of the "do it if it feels good" mentality. It is shoved down our children’s throats daily in the public schools under the name "diversity training."
This religion advocates changing the law by the judicial branch of government with its fellow parishioners legislating from the bench in complete disregard for the purpose of the three branches of government as defined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Obama will never "change" this.
The sad fact is, this religion of socialism proceeds forward with the presidency of Obama. What more will he do to disable American rights during his presidency?

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